Sunday, October 20, 2013

Peace from Prayer

I wish there was a way to capture the moments of peace the spirit gives us and place them in a jar to turn to in times of doubt. I guess that’s why the prophets admonish us to keep journals. I have such a strong testimony that we can always know what we are supposed to do if we seek the Lord’s will with real intent. As a missionary, we taught this principle all the time, but it feels like a while I’ve really thought about it. Moroni’s promise is the first thing missionaries share because taking him up on that promise will change anyone’s life. We should apply that promise every time we seek guidance or understanding on anything. I remember teaching people on my mission that all the questions of the soul can be answered through The Book of Mormon. Moroni promises the world that they read The Book of Mormon, ponder about it, and ask God with a sincere heart and with real intent if it is true, they WILL know by the power of the Holy Ghost if it is true. Then he adds, “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.”

People wonder why so many young men and women give their lives up to serve missions. Well that is why. They have the greatest promise in the world to share. ALL life’s concerns and questions of the soul can be answered in The Book of Mormon. All we need to do is truly ask.

This week I sought God’s guidance for something I knew only He could bring me peace on. I remembered what Moroni said about real intent. When we would tell people to ask God with real intent if The Book of Mormon we told them it meant that they would be willing to act on WHATEVER answer God gave them. So often we pray with a bias. We know what we want and we just want God to tell us that what we desire is the right thing. If you want God to guide you in the best way, you have to be willing to trust His will and trust that the greatest good will come by following whatever He tells you. We are told we must have a “broken heart and a contrite spirit” (3 Nephi 12:19.) We must allow our will to be swallowed up in the will of the Father. (Mosiah 15:7.)

Getting to that point is sometimes difficult, but I promise that it is always worth it. God loves us. He wants us to be happy and if we trust Him we are guaranteed all that He has. Happiness beyond imagination is ours. I watched Elder Bednar’s videos about “Light” and they gave me so much clarity, especially the part about seeing a light through the fog and taking one step at a time to reach it. We will know the end when the time is right, but for now He guides us one step at a time. Trust Him and take those little steps towards Him even though you don’t know how those steps will get you there. Tell God you are willing to do whatever He tells you and I KNOW He will tell you in your mind and in your heart what you should do (D&C 8:2). Then make sure you right it down because just like after Moses’ vision with the Lord, Satan will come and try and confuse and deceive you (Moses 1). Remember that that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good (Moroni 7:13). “Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith” (President Uchtdorf).

I really thought I was going to make this post short, but yet again my thoughts kept flowing. God does speak. We have prophets to lead and guide us and we have the greatest gift, the gift of the Holy Ghost, who tells us all things that we should do. I pray that we all call upon and use that great gift as if it were the greatest gift we had.

I love my students and am so ready for this French test to be over with in 2 weeks so I can focus on them more, and have somewhat of a life again. I have already started listening to Christmas music, just piano music, but I sure love it, it’s only like 2 months away!

I was able to see a couple of wonderful people from my mission last night and hold their baby that I never got to hold as a missionary. I love this gospel so much and am so grateful for this church and all its programs. Institute is amazing and I love my class and teacher. I love my ward and how genuinely kind everyone is. I love my friends and family all over the country and world who love and support me. Most of all, I love my Heavenly Father who watches over me and who through every trial brings me a little closer to Him. I love my Savior whose Atonement gives me faith and hope that my righteous desires can and will be reached. I and we can have our greatest dreams come true. What glorious news we have to share. I pray we may all believe in Him enough to believe in what He can do for us. 

Here's a link for the short videos by Elder Bednar. This is the last one, but it has the part about how receiving God's guidance is often like walking through the fog.

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