Of all the things that I could write about, I feel a need to
express my gratitude for the bounteous blessings in my life.
I’ve realized that
life is always going to be busy, there are always going to be trials, but there
are ALWAYS going to be divine blessings. God loves us and is always blessing
us, but it’s my belief that the greatest part of any blessing is when we feel
the joy and humility come in our hearts as we recognize God’s ever present hand
in our lives.
President Joseph F. Smith said: “The grateful man sees so
much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil.
Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life. Pride
destroys gratitude and sets up selfishness in its place. How much happier we
are in the presence of a grateful and loving soul, and how careful we should be
to cultivate, through the medium of a prayerful life, a thankful attitude
toward God and man!”
I know this is true. You cannot be sad when you are
grateful, and there are always reasons to be grateful. I think of King Benjamin
who taught us that if we were to use all our energies to thank the Lord, we
wouldn’t have enough strength to thank Him for all He’s done for us (Mosiah 2).
If you ever feel you don’t have much to be grateful for, just think of your
Savior and the famous scripture John 3:16.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting
For that blessing alone, you and I could spend all our days
serving the Lord and we would still not be able to repay God for all He has
done for us. And He doesn’t expect us to. He just wants us to be happy. He
loved us so he sent his Son. He wants us to be happy now, so he gives us
commandments to follow so we can feel closer to Him, closer to love, closer to our
divine potential.
In the Book of Mormon it says we are to “live in
thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which God doth bestow
upon you” (Alma 34:38). President Thomas S. Monson has reminded us that in
“regardless of our circumstances, each of us has much for which to be grateful
if we will but pause and contemplate our blessings.”
I encourage all of you to take account of all your blessings
and in some way express that gratitude. There is no way you can do so and not
feel immensely happy with the life you have and live.
I know that God loves us and is always blessing us. I
watched the bible video about seeking the kingdom of God. I wish that everyone
could watch that video and truly understand God’s great love for them. I don’t
comprehend it, but I believe it is so good. I feel it and I know that as I give
myself and trust in the Lord, I will be happier than imaginable and it will
last forever. Luke 12:32 says: “Fear not… For it is your Father’s good pleasure
to give you the Kingdom.” It is His good pleasure, the scriptures and our
Savior’s life are a testament to that. I hope that we can all see and know that
God’s greatest joy is in seeing His children happy. That has been his design
since the beginning. He is all powerful, so why not trust in Him, He will never
fail you and I know that as we prove faithful we will in hindsight thank Him
for loving us enough for letting us go through hard times.
“Who was this Man
of sorrows, acquainted with grief? Who is this King of glory, this Lord of
hosts? He is our Master. He is our Savior. He is the Son of God. He is the
author of our salvation. He beckons, “Follow me.” (Matt. 4:19.)
He instructs, “Go, and do thou likewise.” (Luke 10:37.)
He pleads, “Keep my commandments.” (John 14:15.)
Let us follow Him. Let us emulate
His example. Let us obey His word. By so doing, we give to Him the divine gift
of gratitude” (President Thomas S. Monson).
I don’t expect all of you to read this, but I just wanted to
post a list of gratitude that I came up with in just a few minutes. We have so
much to be grateful for!
They say that feeling gratitude and not expressing it is
like wrapping a gift and not giving it. So for those who I owe the deepest
feelings of gratitude, I hope you read this and know that you have been a
bright part in my life and a gift from heaven to me for which I am eternally
grateful for.
- · My Mom- you have been a rock. Whenever I feel weak, you are there to strengthen and support. You taught me trust and honor my Savior first and foremost and you taught me by your example. No matter the trial, you have never lost your faith, but I have seen it increase and it is you from which I gained my unshakable faith.
- · My Step-dad- you were there for our family when we needed something to bring us back together. You brought me back and you have taught me to never judge a person for what they may look like. You exemplify Christ-like love and the power of Christ’s love and Atonement.
- · My birth father- you gave me life and I know you’re still there supporting and guiding me.
- · Troy- Despite our differences, I have no doubts that you will always be there for me. You have taught me to trust in the Lord’s timing and that all our prayers will be answered.
- · Tabitha- My best friend and dearest sister. You inspired me to live a righteous life and you are always there for me. I don’t even have to speak and you know what I’m thinking and need.
- · Tiffany- You are my motivation to never give up and to be a blessing in the lives of others. Your sweetness and purity are a light in this world and have always been to me.
- · The Hakes- my new grandparents
- · Karly- my rock, no matter what, you’re there, good and bad. You’ve gotten me through every difficult time in my life. You exemplify unwavering faith in the Lord.
- · Georgie- you were my best friend during the most pivotal time of my life and you believed and saw something in me that I couldn’t see, but you helped me become it.
- · Clay- you taught me to trust in the Lord above my own understanding. You see me better than I see myself and helped me see that I am valued from what I am within.
- · Ashely Withers- Your happiness is inspiring and you countryesque life has taught me much about the truly important things in life.
- · Erica- I could talk with you for hours, laugh, cry, dance, you’re always there for and I always leave your presence uplifted.
- · Natalie- You have been there for me since we were little and you still show me what real faith in Christ is.
- · Kalani- Oh the spontaneous nights, the laughs and dreams we shared. You are there to make sure I don’t get anything less than the best.
- · I can’t get everyone, but I hope I can reach out to all who have helped and you can know you have made a difference here.
- · All my companions. You know who you are and what you did for me.
- · The teachers, in my life who took the time to make sure this girl understood what was going on. Janet, Donna, Anna-Lena.
- · All my extended family, Cali, Randi, and Roni, the wonderful laughs we shared staying up all night. Aunt Cindy for letting us crash in her front room for days on end.
- · All my grandparents who still never forget my birthday.
- · The jobs I’ve had, the skills I’ve gained and the people I’ve met and the life lessons I’ve learned.
- · Music, the artists who use their talents to inspire and uplift me.
- · Technology! So I can keep in touch with all of you and skype with family and friends all over the world.
- · All my roommates who have put up with me and my silly quirks and who still love me
- · All my Bishops who have fulfilled their callings to help me gain guidance I need to be the girl God needs me to be. Bishop Miller, Bishop Hadry, Bishop Ball.
- · Emily Ball, my post mission anchor. Shaela, Ahlin, Lauren.
- · I have to put salads and smoothies and nuts on this list. My 3 main food groups
- · The people I was able to be associated with on my mission. In no way can I list all of you. The Kreins, Cecilia and family, Wells, Cyndi, Davis’, Wilsons, Curtis’, Julia, Mama and Papa Lorenc, Eddie, Lacey, Watchmans (all of you), Nails, Woodcocks, Mary, Baldwins, Nicole, and so many more.
- · Dobson High, my ward, Parades’, Dotys, goodness I could go on and on.
- · A bed to sleep on, books to read, that I can read.
- · Scriptures! General Conference! Our prophet and apostles.
- · My Heavenly Father who is always there wanting to help me, but who believes I can do hard things.
- · My Savior who loves me and showed it by his life
"When we encounter challenges and problems in our lives, it
is often difficult for us to focus on our blessings. However, if we reach deep
enough and look hard enough, we will be able to feel and recognize just how
much we have been given.
My brothers and
sisters, to express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is
generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is
to touch heaven."
I got a lot of my quotes from this famous talk by President
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