Sunday, December 1, 2013

Becoming Me- Perfection Pending

When you give it to God, life always ends up better than you expected. I was a little bummed to not be going home for Thanksgiving, but thanks to the wonderful Parades family, I had an unforgettable holiday and a life changing week.
I feel happier right now than I have felt in a long time! It wasn’t even until I got home that I realized how much this week did for me.

God is definitely in the details of our lives. If I hadn’t gone on my mission, I wouldn’t have gone to Gallup, New Mexico and met the Dotys. If I hadn’t come to Mesa, Grandma Doty never would’ve told her daughter, Peggi Paredes, to take me in. Not only has their family been benevolent to me, but through them I have discovered a lot about myself.

When I get all the details figured out myself I will blog about it, but this week I thought a lot about me and what I want and am meant to become. Peggi shared this quote with us.

 “When we die and go back to meet our Maker, we are not going to be asked why we didn’t become a Messiah or find a cure for cancer, we will be asked, “Why didn’t you become you?” (Elie Wiesel).
That quote pretty much sums up what I have learned and what I am going to do. I am not going to try and be a perfect Jesus, there’s already one and always will be only one. When He says, “be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect” (Matt 5:48), I believe He means that we are to seek after perfection as He did. I am to strive to be the most perfect Trisha I can be, nothing else.

Elder Russell M. Nelson gave a really good talk on this. He explained how the word perfect was translated from the Greek teleios, which means “complete.”

At the time, Christ was seeking after His Father’s perfection, or completion. You and I are working towards our full development as well. Later after Christ had finished His work and was ministering among the Nephites he says, “I would that ye should be perfect, even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect” (3 Ne 12:48). He lists himself as perfect now, but only after He completled His mission.

“The perfection that the Savior envisions for us is much more than errorless performance. It is the eternal expectation… that we might be made perfect and be able to dwell with them in the eternities ahead.”

Perfection is pending. Every day you work towards choosing to become the best you you can be. Because Christ completed His mission, you and I can too. His mission was to be the Messiah, and He fulfilled His job. Figure out what your mission is and let the one and only Messiah allow you to fulfill your job. God does not give impossible commandments, but without Christ it will be impossible. With Him is the only way, and it is the way.

I was reading in Mosiah and was impressed by how often it says the Nephites to go up to fight in the strength of the Lord. Their enemies were plenty strong, but they depended on their own strength and were strong only to the strength of men. I realized I wasn’t allowing enough of the Lord’s strength in my life. I have always felt I needed to do everything on my own. It is part of the plan that we be strengthened and overcome challenges by relying on Christ. I know that as we do so, we will never fail and we will become all we were intended to become.

I should know in the next couple of weeks what my plans will be. Where I will go and what I will do, but one thing’s for sure, I am not holding myself back. I never want to get to a point where I wonder what would’ve happened had I lived a dream I always wanted to. I am dreaming big and going to believe that as I do my part by living righteously, I will achieve anything.

My interview was pushed back again, but it is for sure this Tuesday... I don't know if I'll get the job, but I know whatever happens is meant to happen. 

I'm so happy it's Christmas season! If you didn't see my link on FB for an amazing Christmas talk, check this one out by Elder Holland to get in the Christmas spirit.

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